Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Saving Money - Tricks and Tips

A dear friend of mine, her mother and I were all gabbing yesterday and like usual I was telling them about one of my money saving tips. They were excited and told me I really should start a blog dedicated to saving money.
Well, you know, I already have a blog and you all already like money (I presume). So why not transform my blog? I've decided that this blog will become an "I've Tried That" blog...obviously, if I post a recipe then...I've Tried It...so, it seems to me that it fits.

I'm hoping you will enjoy this new theme of my blog and to start you off I'll talk about one way that I have saved money...Ibotta.
Let me start off by saying that I have not been endorsed by Ibotta and they haven't ask me to write about them. I am going to give you my honest opinion about this phone app.

Ibotta is an app you use on your smartphone. It's an app intended to use before and after you shop, but I prefer to use it as soon as I get home from a shopping trip. Basically, it gives you rebates on things you already buy.

There are "Any Brand" rebates on things like milk, eggs, bread and tomatoes and more. Any Brand, meaning you don't have to buy a particular brand to get the rebate. These are my favorite since they are items that I'm always buying anyway. Yesterday I had $0.60 in rebates on tomatoes, chicken broth and onions.

How it works: You can scour the app before you hit up the store and see if there is anything you need available with a rebate. If so, you simply watch a short commercial or answer a couple questions or maybe check out a recipe. Once finished the rebate is unlocked. Once you buy the item, you will scan the bar code (or verify with a click for item without a barcode) and scan your receipt. Some magic happens while your receipt is verified and then, poof, your money is deposited into your Ibotta account.

How to Get Your Money: This is super easy. Once you have the minimum balance you can ask for a PayPal deposit or select one of several gift cards. Boom...you're done.

I started using this app about 4 months ago and have earned back over $50 for buying my groceries. The best thing is there are rebated for other places and items, too. I earned a $5 rebate from an electronic store yesterday! I looked after I shopped and it was available! Score!

I'm not as diligent as I should/could be, but I am certain that if you use this app to the best of it's ability you could really earn back a lot of cash!

Check it out! Use this link and we'll both be rewarded (you'll get $2 and I'll get $1)!